Coulee Region Fieros
Serving Fiero lovers in the La Crosse and Eau Claire areas.

Lighted Window Switches

Turning Fiero switches into lighted switches


            There are two main reasons that I want to mod my Fiero.  Number one and most important to me is improved performance.  Number two is updating to some modern convinces.  The lighted window switches are an example of the second.  Many people have never been in a Fiero, and have no clue where the window switches are in the day much less at night.  Plus, I figured that it was an easy thing I could do that isn’t done often.  It also updates the interior a little since every modern (95+) car has lighted window switches.  If you don’t know how to get the switches out see the end of the page.


Supplies and tools. 

·        Some switches, I always get extras of what ever I am modifying.  You really only need the gray plastic piece which just pops out of the base. 

·        A flat blade screw driver

·        A small flat file

·        7mm socket

·        hot glue gun

·        2 LEDs I prefer red, but whatever color you want is fine (make sure that you read the section on LEDs before you go out and buy some.

·        Some thin wire to hook up the LEDs.  (remember LEDs only draw like 20mA)

·        A couple of wire taps

·        Small drill bit


LED specific information

            An LED means light emitting Diode.  There are a number of characteristics that are important to know.  First, the voltage of an LED must be controlled and kept within tight tolerances.  This is just about 3.6 volts.  This is important to keep in mind; however, if you pick the right LED you have nothing to worry about.  There are LEDs with built in resistors for 12 volts.  If you must know you will need about a 470 ohm resister to use with a standard LED.  Just buy LEDs with the built in resistor.  Next LEDs are directional.  If you are working with modern LEDs the positive lead will be a little longer than the negative lead.  Next, the intensity of the LEDs drops off quickly in relation to the viewing angle. For example, the LEDS that I am using lose ½ of their intensity when viewed from 36 degrees.  Due to the nature of this project this is not all that important because the light will be defused by the hot glue.


Building the switch

            This is the easy part.  Now a note about Fiero window switches.  The window switches, the trunk release switch, and the rear window defroster switches are all the same.  The difference is that the window switches don’t have the plastic square knocked out.  If you have ever noticed that the top edge of the switch cracks it is because it is half as thick as the same part of the bottom.  Now on with it.  Take your flat bladed screwdriver and slide it in under the switch and pop it out.  The first time you do it, it my take a bit, but you will get the hang of it. Once you get it out flip it over and look, you will see an indented square.  So, take your flat bladed screwdriver and bust out the above mentioned square.  If you are lucky it will come out perfectly.  If not, you will have to use the file to clean up the edges a bit. Ok, that was easy.  Now, you need to drill some holes in the switch housing.  I used a 1/8 inch bit.  Now, for durability reasons you need to elongate the holes from the top to the bottom so that the leads are not getting bent all the time.    Now take gray switch and put a piece of tape across the hole that you have broken out.  So that the hole is sealed.  Get the hot glue gun heated up.  It is important that the glue is hot enough so that it flows well, however, not so hot that it burns, or yellows the glue.  Most new glue guns don’t have a problem with this but I have an old glue gun that gets REALLY hot.  The best way that I have found is put down a 1/8 – ¼ of an inch of glue.  Let it cool, then hold the LED in the cavity and fill in around it.  What I like to do is then bring it to the sink, turn the water run full blast cold.  This presses the glue into all of the corners and cools it quickly.  Now, the rest is quick.  Dry the switch off.  Slide the LED leads through the elongated holes and click the switch back into the base.  As for the wiring, I figure that it is easiest to wire them in series.  Series?  Easy, wire the positive lead of one of the LEDs to a hot I’m using the ashtray lights.  Next, run a wire from the negative lead of the LED that you wired to hot to positive of the 2nd LED.  Finally, run a wire from the negative lead of the 2nd LED to ground.  Looking for an idea where to tap power?  I used the hot lead from the ashtray lights.  I used a very small single strand wire that I was able to just push into the light bulb holder underneath with the wires.  Then I grounded it by wrapping the negative lead around a screw that holds the switch panel down. Put everything together and now I have lighted window switches.      

By: Rob

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